From 12 people onwards


Appetizer platter  11 euro/p


A platter of appetizers (E.g. cheese, salami, olives, fresh fruit...)


Cheese platter (200gram/p) 9 euro/p


Includes baguettes and butter, sufficient as an appetizer


Assiette Ardenne (200grammes/p) 9 euro/p


assortment of local products,
Includes baguettes and butter, sufficient as an appetizer


Plateau de fromages et charcuteries (400grammes/p) 16 euro/p


Platter of cheese and charcuterie with ample variety,
Includes baguettes and butter, recommended for lunch or dinnerr


Bread buffet 11 euros/p


3 items of bread per person, (pistolet, sandwich, baguette)

 with cheese/ham/salami/meat salad/surimi/...

spreads vary depending on season.


 Bread buffet deluxe 12 euro/p


3 items of break per person (pistolet, sandwich, baguette)

of which 2 with standard spreads and 1 with luxury spreads (salmon/brie/dried ham/...)


Lunch ( to go) 11 euro/p


½ baguette with spreads of choice

(cheese, ham, salami, meat salad, kip curry, surimi, tuna, dried ham, goat cheese, brie)

sausage roll

0,5l of soda of choice

(Coke, Coke Zero, Fanta, Spa Reine, Perrier, Perrier Lemon)


Coffee and tea with pastry 10euro/p 


Coffee, Tea, sugar, milk and 2 pastries per persoon (buffet)


High Tea 18eu/p


Mix of sweet and savory spreads(o.a. wraps, sandwiches, mix of minidesserts,...)

assortment slow tea and cava


Soup of the day 5 euro/liter 


Tomato soup with meatballs 6 euro/liter


                 Prices valid until 1/1/2024
